
VCE VBlock Visio Stencils

Looking for some way to showcase your VBlock in your existing Visio diagrams?  Look no further.  I have put together some stencils of VCE Vblock environments that you can simply import to Visio and drag into your existing network diagrams.

Here are some examples of what you will find:

VBlock100 BX-4P:

VBlock300 FX Base:


VBlock 100: https://sites.google.com/site/vcevblockvisiostencils/VBlock100.vss?attredirects=0&d=1
VBlock 700MX: https://sites.google.com/site/vcevblockvisiostencils/VBlock700MX.vss?attredirects=0&d=1

**Note: I am trying to shrink down the size of the VBlock 300 files so that they can be posted within sizing limits.  Stay tuned.


C-Series Rack Mount Integration with UCSM

Few things to keep in mind when integrating a rack mount server with UCSM:

-CIMC settings must be reset to factory defaults
-As long as you configure the cable management per the Cisco documentation, the server will automatically be discovered by UCSM (just as if you inserted a new blade)
-If you need to decommission a rack mount server for any reason and what to again integrate it with UCSM, don't forget to recommission it from the decommissioned tab
-The VIC card needs to be P81E or 1225 (NOT 1225T)
 -SFPs should be the same on FEX and server side (I used Twinax cables in my environment, which are also supported)
-C-series server needs to be running firmware version 1.4(6) or later.

Will add more tips to this post as I run into them.


Belkin KVM Switch

More so for my own knowledge...

In order to switch between the hosts connected to a Belkin KVM switch: SCROLL LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, up arrow/down arrow.
Alternatively, if you want direct access to a specific server you can do so with: SCROLL LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, 0 + server number.  (i.e. If trying to view the console of server 2: SCROLL LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, 0, 2)


UCS Core File Exporter

Bet you didn't know about this...

UCS has a feature built-in that will allow for the export of core files off of the system as soon as they occur to a specified TFTP server.  In order to configure this feature, known as the Core File Exporter, you will need to navigate in UCSM to the Admin tab -> Faults, Events and Audit Log -> Settings.  On the right hand pane, you will see a Core File Exporter tab, which will need to be enabled.

One the feature is enabled, you will be able to enter the TFTP server hostname/IP and remote path.

Whenever a core file is written to the UCS system, it will be automatically be sent to the configured TFTP server.
This feature can also be enabled via the CLI: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/unified_computing/ucs/sw/cli/config/guide/1.3.1/CLI_Config_Guide_1_3_1_chapter40.html#task_00981534E203404D9D4B547FF17D8FDB

Great feature for system monitoring and automatic export of core files to be included in TAC cases!


Rehost Nexus 1000v Licenses in Minutes

We have all been there.  Nexus 1000v license re-hosting because something happened to our VSM and we needed to re-install... the LUN got corrupted... the host-ID magically changed somehow... etc, + hours on the phone trying to accomplish this task.  Instead of opening up a Licensing case, you can actually complete the re-host via Cisco's License Administration Portal in under 5 minutes!

You can access the portal via the following link: https://tools.cisco.com/SWIFT/LicensingUI/lookupLicenseForRehost

Once you log in, the link will take you directly to the 'Initiate a Rehost' option.  There are few other options available from the menus atop the page.  You will need to check the box next to the license file you would like to transfer/rehost (you can differentiate by Host ID in the case of a 1000v license).

After you click next, you will be prompted to enter the new Host ID of your VSM:

The final page is a review of the changes you submitted.  Ensure that the Target Host ID is accurate.  You will need to view and agree to Cisco's Software License Agreement.  At that point you can click Submit and you will receive a confirmation pop-up.  Your new license file will be emailed to the address associated with your cisco.com account, and you can go ahead and upload the new license file(s) to the VSM.  

This procedure will greatly expedite the time it takes to rehost the 1000v licenses!


vCenter Reports Interface is Blocked... but Interface is Up!

There appears to be a condition in the Nexus 1000v switch where vCenter will report interfaces on the DVS as Blocked, but verification from the VSM/VEM side show that they are in fact up and passing traffic.  This issue is tracked in Cisco defect ID: CSCub11514.

You can verify that the N1K interface is up in the forwarding state with the use of the 'vemcmd show port' output.  The workaround for this issue is to navigate to the Networking view of vCenter, select your N1K switch, click on the Ports tab, and then click on the blue 'Start Monitoring Port State'.  If you are hitting this issue, the interface will immediately switch to Link Up.  You can 'Stop Monitoring Port State' after the workaround has been performed.


Hey, Where's My Management IP Pool in UCS 2.1?

Starting in UCS version 2.1, the Management IP Pool has been relocated to the LAN tab.  Under the Pools -> IP Pools section, you will find your previously created Management IP Pool.


How to Remove UCS Chassis Slot Divider

The following process is used to remove a UCS chassis slot divider for insertion of a full width-blade:

1. Simultaneously pull up on the left side catch and push down on the right side catch
2. Pull the slot divider out of the chassis.  Keep the slot divider handy in case it is needed in the future.


To reinstall the slot divider, align it with the dimples in the slot top and bottom and slide it back in until it clicks into place.

*Note: The picture shows the use of a screwdriver to move the catches in the divider; I was able to perform this with just my fingernails

Source: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/unified_computing/ucs/hw/chassis/install/fullblade.html