
Change vCenter Data Center Name for 1000v

If you have changed your vCenter Data Center name and are in need of changing it in your Nexus 1000v switch, the following procedure can be followed:

From the 1000v, disconnect the VSM from vCenter:
JenN1K# conf t
JenN1K(config)# svs connection vc
JenN1K(config-svs-conn)# no connect

Change the name in the 1000v's running configuration to reflect the Data Center name change:
JenN1K(config-svs-conn)# vmware dvs datacenter-name <New name>

Reconnect the svs connection:
JenN1K(config-svs-conn)# connect

Ensure the configuration is saved in the event of a reboot or switchover:
JenN1K# copy running-config startup-config

1 comment:

  1. hi, is this without outage in virtual servrrs communication? can i do it anytime?
