
Low Voltage CMOS Battery

The following procedure can be used in order to confirm a voltage problem alert being reported on a B-series server's CMOS battery.

The fault that will be sent is the following:
 descr="Possible loss of CMOS settings: CMOS battery voltage on server 1/1 is lower-critical"

In order to further troubleshoot this issue, the following commands can be used in order to collect
information about the CMOS battery's sensor:

 connect cimc <chassis>/<server>

The sensor you should look for is: P3V_BAT_SCALED.
If the sensor reading is below 3.0V, a bad battery is typically the suspect.

The replacement part ID for the CMOS battery is: N20-MBLIBATT=


  1. Where are these commands supposed to be run?

    1. They can be ran from putty or any other SSH console aplication

  2. You can use the following commands:

    connect cimc x/x --> Chassis/blade

    That's gonna take you to the CIMC of the blade and then you can use the command:

    #sensors --> This is gonna show you the CMOS voltage on the first line.


    CIMC Debug Firmware Utility Shell [ cli ]
    [ help ]# sensors
    Sensor Name | Reading | Unit | Status| LNR | LC | LNC
    | UNC | UC | UNR
    P3V_BAT_SCALED | 2.996 | Volts | ok | 2.178 | 2.350 | na
    | na | 3.168 | na

    For B and C series, the command is different.

    For C series you need to run the following commands:

    #scope chassis
    #connect debug-shell

    C200M2# connect debug-shell
    CIMC Debug Firmware Utility Shell [ cli ]
    [ help ]# sensors
    Sensor Name | Reading | Unit | Status| LNR | LC | LNC
    | UNC | UC | UNR
    P3V_BAT_SCALED | 2.996 | Volts | ok | 2.178 | 2.350 | na
    | na | 3.168 | na

    Hope this answer your question!

  3. I also don't know about the code of the batteries. Glad that you shared this to us. Thanks for sharing.


  4. thanks alot,for me to work i had to connect local management first.
    # connect local-mgmt
    #connect cimc chassis/blade

  5. Is it must to replace CMOS battery if P3V_BAT_SCALED reading is below 3.0V?
